Hi! Welcome to Deliveroo Rider. This page will help answer any questions you have about being a Deliveroo rider. Have a look through the categories below. Newbies How to sign up for Deliveroo How to get £50 bonus when you sign up for Deliveroo How to pass the Deliveroo interview Deliveroo vs Uber eats How do I do a delivery? Work How many hours can you apply for? What shifts earn the most? Do you still get paid if you get no deliveries? Can I leave my shift early/arrive late? Can I miss my shift? What do I do if I’m on holiday/ill? How do I get more shifts? How much data do I need? Kit What bike should you have What kit do you need Do you have to buy the Deliveroo kit? How much does the Deliveroo kit cost? Can you use your own kit? How to sell kit on eBay Deliveroo Jacket – don’t use it Pay How much do you get paid? When do you get paid? Pay per drop vs pay per hour How to earn extra through referral Can you really make £120 per day? Use referral code: NI132274