- First you need to visit the application page by clicking this link.
- Then you need to fill out all of your details in the system.
- You will then go through the on boarding process, where you watch all of the videos own safety and how the whole system works. This is very easy and only takes a few minutes.
- You then need to complete the background check. Here you will need ID (a passport) and a proof of address (utility bill or bank statement).
- Once this is complete, you can go through to the next step which is booking an interview.
- The interview is pretty much just them talking you through the system and organising your work. It’s easy and you don’t have to answer any questions.
- Once this is done, you can collect your kit and get on the road!
The Deliveroo application is really easy and only takes a few minutes. After that, you will need to go for the interview where you collect all your gear and get talked through the app.
Deliveroo was probably the easiest job I’ve ever had to sign up for. There are no hard interview questions, long waits or competition. I don’t think anyone has ever failed an application to become a Deliveroo rider.
Deliveroo used to have a cycling proficient session where you would cycle around your city with an instructor, and they would check whether you could ride a bike safely. I think a few people did use to fail this. The problem was this whole process just took way too much time and money, and Deliveroo needed riders on the road as quickly as possible. By moving to an online system, they can “educate” all of the riders before they even meet them, and get them out cycling on the road within an hour interview!